Compassionate People. A Record of Results. 336.369.2185
Compassionate People. A Record of Results. 336.369.2185
PJ graduated from UVA Law and has been licensed to practice law in North Carolina, Virginia and the District of Columbia. After law school, PJ clerked for Hon. Pierce Lively on the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. She has been admitted to practice pro hac vice in several other states including California, Utah, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, Nevada and Kentucky. PJ regularly works with excellent attorneys from other firms across the US to bring your case to trial.
PJ is committed to representing clients pro bono (for no fee) or for a reduced fee. She’s honored annually by local and state bars for her work performed for free. We take only cases that we believe in, and where we think we can make a difference.
The three requirements we have before we will represent someone are: 1. you have a righteous case, 2. you really need a lawyer, and 3. we think we can really make a difference for you. Civil defense lawyers have to represent their clients even when their clients are responsible for causing a death! PJ just couldn't do that. Because we represent only real people, we can and do choose if we will represent you. So we only will take your case if you have truly have been harmed by racism, injustice, the police or on occasion, the negligence of a hospital or other organization.